A mid-February BAAC Estonian working group meeting
February, 2008
The meeting of BAAC Estonian working group was held at Estonian Literary Museum in Tartu on 15th of February.
Participated Piret Noorhani (Estonian National Museum), Andres Didrik (Tartu University Libtary), Sulev Sepp, Vilve Asmer (Estonian Literary Museum, Cultural History Archives) Jüri Karm (Estonian National Museum), Kadri Tamm (Estonian Literary Museum, Folklore Archives) and Maarja Savan (Estonian Literary Museum).
Maarja Savan introduced BAAC plans for this year and gave an overview about the present state of upcoming BAAC conference in Tartu. Also the co-operation with Digital Preservation Europe project and its possibilities were introduced.
Jüri Karm from Estonian National Museum raised the topic of photo collections and their vocabularies, also pointing out the need for further study of existing description practices in Estonian memory institutions' photo collections. The overview of the present situation of their description standards is needed for translating the Getty Institute's Art and Architecture Thesaurus to Estonian.
Piret Noorhani talked about the recently founded the Baltic Heritage Network NGO and introduced the BaltHerNet portal that would help connectingknow-how at homeland and abroad finding the contacts of institutions and interested individuals.
Sulev Sepp shared his knowledge about some new financing possibilities for public archives projects from Estonian Informatics Centre. He also gave us the first glimpse of 2007 Riga Conference footage and raised the question of making the recordings of presentations available.
Due to lack of time the tour in the Literary Museum was postponed to the autumn conference.
Maarja Savan
Estonian Literary Museum, Tartu